Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Germany, the second time

We decided to return to Germany, this time to Bavaria near the border of Germany and Austria.  Since coming to Europe a month and a half ago most of our time has been spent in large cities.  There is lots to see and do in large cities, but sometimes we miss the green space and clean air.  Fussen, Germany is just what we needed for a few days.

We arrived in the evening after dark and found our apartment/hotel (which left a lot to be desired), got some dinner and went to bed.  The next day I went outside to walk to the market and I was blown away at how pretty it was.  In the dark I hadn't noticed the mountains or beautiful fall colors.  Just a few minutes walk from our apartment we found some hiking/walking paths that we had fun exploring.
Seth and Jenna on a path near our apartment

At a park just a few minutes from our apartment
The highlight of our stay was the day we spent at Neuschwanstein Castle.  We could not have asked for nicer weather that day.  The only negative is part of the castle was covered in scaffolding, so we just had to find other angles to get our best pictures.  After touring the first castle we had about a 30 minute walk to get to the second one.  I wanted to stop and take pictures every few steps because it was all so pretty.   We hiked down behind the castle and it really felt like a fairy tale kind of place.  I could just imagine Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs living there!

It really felt good to have a few days in the beautiful fall mountains.  I could have spent longer there, and maybe someday I will return.  But for now I am glad we returned to Germany for  a few days.

Joe on the walk between the two castles

Sam at the lake by Neuschwanstein Castle

Jenna with the castle.  Notice the scaffolding.

Joe on the hike behind the castle

Seth and Joe by the waterfall behind the castle

Neuschwanstein Castle

Seth on the hike behind the castle


  1. These are amazing photos--it is so pretty. Soak it all in! Love, Grandpa Hull

  2. Wishing I was there to soak in all the beauty of the countryside! Mom Giles
