Saturday, December 15, 2012

Travel Adventure from Chennai to Hyderabad

After our wonderful experience with Rising Star we needed to start making our way to Mumbai for the flight to Thailand. We originally looked into traveling by train but for this time of year we waited too long and couldn't find any seats available. Each train we looked at had quotas, RACs, and wait lists. I didn't know what those things were or understand how they worked. It was a mess trying to figure out. I read a 6000-word blog post (go have a look to see how complicated it is) trying to makes sense of it and eventually concluded that there was no way we all were going to get beds on our desired train. We didn't want to risk some of us getting confirmed seats and some of us not.

After arriving at this conclusion we decided that the next best alternative would be a 1st class, air-conditioned, sleeper bus. There are two kinds of sleeper beds "2+2" and "1+1". The "2+2" variety are like airline chairs that recline. The "1+1" variety are like bunk beds. We read several positive and encouraging reviews about travel on sleeper buses, sleeper buses seem to be abundant, and so we thought we might venture to give it a shot.

When our friends at Rising Star learned we were considering taking a bus they offered to see if they could help us get train tickets. Someone knew someone who could help us. After spending what I estimate to be many hours working the system they were happy to inform us (and we were happy to be informed) that they were able to get us tickets on the train that we previously thought was full. We were cautiously optimistic. It was sounding too good to be true. As a sidenote, each train has quotas set aside for travelers of different categories and our tickets counted against the parliament member quota.

One of the people helping acquire the tickets lived in Chennai and said he would be there to help us navigate the train station and get on the right car on the right train. He made frequent contact with the railway authorities to try and help us get confirmed seats. We did get 2 confirmed berths (bunks) in a first class, air conditioned compartment and were promised 4 first class, air conditioned, seats elsewhere on the train. We rejoiced at the 2 confirmed berths and were hopeful for the other 4 seats. As it got closer to departure time my hope for 4 seats started turning to doubt. I considered the very real possibility of not getting those 4 other seats. The conductor came by shortly after departure and told us, "Wait here. I will get it arranged." In the end there were no more seats. We only had the 2 confirmed berths/bunks for the 6 of us (and all of our luggage) for a 13-hour train ride, in a cubicle about 8' x 5' x 7'. Elaine and Seth shared the top bunk, Joe and Sam the bottom bunk, and Jenna and I shared inflatable camping mats on the floor.

I joked with Elaine that my expectations just kept getting lower, and lower and lower until I found myself sleeping (trying to sleep?) on the floor. I couldn't get much lower! I think I heard weeds scraping and scratching the bottom of the train as I tried to sleep.

We made the best of things and were grateful to be together on the train. For 45 minutes we enjoyed watching a slideshow of some of the pictures from our trip. I think we made it through pictures from July and part of August. We ate parottas (thick Indian tortillas). Using some of our emergency chocolate even seemed appropriate and made us feel better. Once we were tired of looking at pictures we turned out the lights and tried to sleep. I think Jenna slept the best.

In the end the train didn't even end where we thought it would end. Needless to say we all took big naps when we got to our apartment in Hyderabad.


  1. Hey, you're all smiling in the photos! Is this before or after the good night's sleep? Cole and I have some marvelous train stories. I think train travel is supposed to be crazy and unpredictable! Valerie

  2. The smiles were BEFORE the night's sleep(?). We'll have to swap train stories next time we are together.

  3. Nice and informational post I must say, you have shared a very much helpful blog with all that is going to help in planning a better tour for them. Thanks and keeps sharing.

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