Monday, December 3, 2012

India Driving Protocol

In the computer world we have the concept of "protocols". A protocol is an established set of rules for communication between computers. I think I have discovered the "protocol" that governs how to drive in India.
  • A vehicle is road-worthy if it has a horn. There is no other requirement. 
  • If no one else is there you can use any part of the road.
  • If you get there first you have the right of way.
  • If someone gets there before you then they have the right of way and you must yield. This includes letting them back in when they are passing.
  • One quick "beep" of the horn generally means, "Hey, I am here."
  • A succession of beeps or one long beep means, "You are doing something I don't like." Typically this happens when a vehicle stops in the traffic flow causing a backup.
This may be an over-simplification but I think it generally holds true and covers most circumstances. Everyone seems to work together on the road for the greater good: getting everyone where they want to go quickly and safely.


  1. I had heard it before, now I believe it--traffic problems and driving in India is suppossed to be worse than driving in the Philippines. You have me convinced! Grandpa Hull

  2. Sounds just like South America. Ha, ha! It took some getting used to all the different "horn honking" that went on.

  3. Sounds just like South America. Ha, ha! It took some getting used to all the different "horn honking" that went on.
