Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Glamour of World Travel

It is the day after Christmas and we are on a 10 hour train ride to the north part of Thailand. We had hoped to get an overnight train, but they were all sold out during the holidays. So we ended up in an all day train in 2nd class. Of course it left in the morning which required us to leave "home" at 5:45 this morning. We arrived at the train station with plenty of time to spare so we got to sit on the not so comfy waiting room chairs. The good part is we were right next to a Dunkin Donuts stand so the kids got high nutrition donuts for breakfast!

As far as train rides go, I'm afraid this is one that we will laugh at later but not particularly enjoy at the time. I have never been on such a bumpy train before. It's almost like the wheels aren't round. That makes doing most anything (sleeping, walking, using a squat toilet, writing, reading, typing) a little difficult. Even watching out the windows isn't ideal because they look like they haven't been washed in years! The train stops at random times (not at a station) and then starts again a few minutes later. One stop was for longer and all sorts of people came on the train selling food and drinks. it was really kind of funny because there were so many of them walking up and down the aisles trying to sell their items. The only seats that were available are aisle seats and we are spread out throughout the car. One man was kind enough to switch Jenna seats so she could sit next to me.

Now don't get this wrong, I am not complaining, it's just all part of the travel experience. But some experiences are more pleasant than others!

(3 hours later). I'm afraid the experience is just beginning! An official just came into our car and gave some announcement (in Thai of course) and everyone seemed very interested in what he was saying. I had no clue what was going on until the nice man who switched seats with Jenna translated for me. We will be getting off the train in one hour and transferring to a bus for the remainder of our journey. Apparently there is a problem with the track up ahead.

(Many hours later). We made it to the train station via the bus and we arrived only a little more than an hour late. Our hotel wasn't far from the station but we decided to take a taxi instead of finding the hotel on our own in the dark. The drivers said they knew where the hotel was located but then took us to the wrong hotel. Eventually we made it to the right hotel. This is the glamour of world travel!

Waiting to get on the train
On the train

Now we are on a bus

Joe and Rich in the back of a taxi


  1. Oh my, We hope there is a great reward at the end of this long trip like beautiful scenery, interesting things to do, a great place to stay and still having your sense of humor intact! Glad you at least got donuts to start out the day. Love you, Mom Hull

  2. Hello Corbridge Family. I am the guy who sat next to Joe on the train/bus ride from Bangkok to Udon Thani. It was a pleasure meeting you and now reading your travel stories. You can read about mine if you want at . And Joe, thanks for the taffy candy from Germany.......I'm hooked on Sour Apple!
