Tuesday, December 18, 2012

India's last laugh!

We woke up at 4:14 this morning, finished packing our bags and left our hotel room at 4:45. We went downstairs to check out of the hotel to find some of the hotel staff sleeping in the small lobby of the hotel. They woke up, put their sleeping mats away, checked us out and then went outside and woke up the driver who was sleeping in the car. We loaded up all our luggage and all squeezed in the car for the 10 minute ride to the airport. When we were almost to the airport our driver was signaled to pull over for a routine security check. I couldn't understand everything that was said, but it seems that our driver did not have a license with him and the registration on the car was not current. After much conversation the driver was asked to get out of the car and it seems that he received a heated lecture by one of the officers. We started to wonder if we needed to find alternate transportation to get us the rest of the way to the airport. We could see it up ahead, but it was further than we wanted to walk with all of our stuff. Finally the driver came back and said we needed to pay a fine of 100R (about $1.85) because there were too many people in the car. We paid the fine and then the driver took us the rest of the way to the airport. When we got out of the car we all laughed because all over India we have seen every type of transportation imaginable packed with people (and I mean really packed) and we got a fine for having two to many people in the car on the way to the airport.

We are not quite sure who got the last laugh, India or us!


  1. We will all get a laugh out of this! Good bye India. Mom Hull

  2. I guess no matter where you are you can always expect the unexpected to happen. When unusual things happen here we always say "well, we're in the Philippines." I think you could say that same thing about India. Dad Hull

  3. I say the same thing about South Florida! Valerie

  4. I enjoy taking your blog to bed with me each night. It is good reading. It reminds me what to be gratefulfor. Sometime gives it me a little humor and usually just makes me feel good inside. I feel like I am riding in your pocket and it gives me dreams of places I might like to visit some day. What a wonderful gift you and your family have given me. Thank you and Merry Christmas! Kathi Anderson

  5. I love how the 100R was just paid directly to the officer. No record, no official ticket. And come to think about it... why was that ticket paid by you and not the driver? But that is India for you. All's well that ends well! Glad you made it out okay... Have fun on the next leg of your amazing adventure!

    1. I'm sure there was never even an official fine! But at that time of the morning we were willing to just pay it and get to the airport!
