Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Remember that old game, Frogger? It's the one where you are a little frog and you go across lanes of traffic and a river with crocodiles. If you don't remember, here's a screenshot:

We had a Frogger experience today while wandering around India. In India, I'm not sure if there is traffic lights, or if there is, nobody follows them. We had to cross several streets today to go get food. If we were lucky we went right behind an Indian and so we could just follow them across. The trouble came when we had to do it on our own. We just went, and hoped that no car hit us, we probably looked pretty silly. As we were leaving, they had a statue of a frog, and I found it only fitting. We did play human Frogger, after all.

1 comment:

  1. I can hardly remember the game, but your description also fits how they do it here. And what a great time to see a statue of a frog. Who would have thought of that--just for you!
    Grandpa Hull
