Thursday, January 24, 2013

I Am Not an Elephant

My self-esteem took several blows during our time in Thailand. You see, every city we stayed in had at least one market and I think we visited every one, some times more than once. One of the things I was looking for was a nice loose-fitting, light-weight, pull-over, long-sleeve shirt without a collar. I know that's kinda specific but it's what I fancied.

Very often when I saw a shirt I thought I might like and asked about it the person at the stall got a scared look on their face and just shook his or her head. I'd ask anyway, "Do you have my size?" Mostly I got a shake of the head in answer but one vendor told me, "No jumbo size." Another told me, "You 5X. No have." 5X, really? That's "extra extra extra extra extra large". Doesn't that sound huuuuge? I like loose fitting clothes but 5X?!?

Just for the record I weigh less now than I have in all of my married life but I guess compared to the average Thai shopper I am kinda jumbo.

1 comment:

  1. I think one of the things I enjoy the most is your sense of humor is getting better and better. I guess I need to take a lesson as we face another fridged day on the other side of the world. In no time we will have sping and flowers and there are robins (crazy birds) in the frozen trees. Jenna's soup sounds wounderful. What a delightful soul she is.
