Friday, January 25, 2013

Chiang Mai, Thailand

While staying in Chiang Mai, Thailand we took a tour that included several zip lines. These were longer and higher than anything I have ever done before. Despite being a little nervous at the beginning, it turned out to be a lot of fun. We had three guides who helped us as we did the course. Jenna (age 8) seems to have no fear for anything and she was always willing to go first. In a few places we had to be lowered to a platform beneath us and on one of them, she had them clip her in on the back so she could be like "superman." The last line was over a river and Jenna and I went together both clipped in on the back and flew over the river like superman.  Very fun!

Getting ready for the zip lines


Jenna playing Superman
Sam and Seth on the last line
Other parts of the day included bamboo rafting on the river, riding elephants, and playing in the waterfall and riding in a mosquito infested van.

This bridge is as rickety as it looks.  
Seth and Sam on an elephant
Me on a bamboo raft
Jenna in the waterfall
Seth playing with a little elephant

1 comment:

  1. Amazing! Just amazing the experiences you are having. Not always FUN or NEAT experiences--just experiences. I can only imagine the lessons you are learning--patience, endurance, watching out for each other, learning that you are in a world of selfish people (skam artists). These "lessons" could have profound effect on your attitudes, behavior, treatment of others, etc. in future days and years. I hope you don't soon forget some of these precious experiences.
    Grandpa Hull -- and I sure do love the blogs
