Friday, January 11, 2013

Dining by Trial and Error in Vangvieng Laos

When we arrived in Vangvieng (Seth's pronunciation is the best) we had no idea where to eat. It seemed like every restaurant had the same menu. Seriously, it looked like the same company printed the menu and made the signs. We thought they must all be about the same in quality and price. The first one we tried was pretty good. The second we tried wasn't as good as the first. We tried a third and it was so good we stopped looking. We went back for every meal after that. I think my favorite meal was the "Porridge with coconut milk, milk, sugar, and bananas." It is absolutely the best oatmeal I've ever had. Throw in a banana smoothy and was good to go at least until lunch. Every time we ate there it was around $20 for the six of us and we all came away satisfied.

The atmosphere at the restaurant was good too. It was open air and they offered "platform" seating and table/chair seating. We opted for the platform seating every time and it really is a very relaxing way to eat as long as the tall people have places to put their legs. Add the awesome view of the mountains and river and it really was an exotic (and affordable) dining experience.


  1. Either you have a bunch of "non-fussy" eaters, or you just like foreign food. Either way, enjoy it. We are still kind of "not thrilled" with Philippine dining. Maybe you can teach us something when you get here--we are really looking forward to having all of you here! Grandpa Hull

  2. Who cares what the food tastes like when you have a view like that! It's spectacular! Carol

  3. Who cares what the food tastes like with a view like that! Spectacular!!!
