Tuesday, May 28, 2013

End of the Trip--Seth's point of view

As our trip is drawing to a close I have thought about all the places we've been. The two countries that stand out the most to me are India and New Zealand for very different reasons. India was a chaotic, dirty, stinky mess that made almost no sense to us. There was poverty and people everywhere. New Zealand was green, calm, and it almost felt like we were home because it was similar to The United States. The scenery and wildlife was stunning and so was the ice cream :).
I think one thing that can be learned as you are traveling is that there is so much good in the world. When you watch the news you hear of bad things that happen all around the world, but when you actually go places that people are so kind and willing to help.

I couldn't tell you whether or not this trip lived up to my expectations or not because I had no idea what I was getting into. I can tell you that we have had many funny, happy, sad, and scary experiences. I'm glad that I was able to go on this trip and if I got the opportunity I will definitely do it again.

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