Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Almost Home

Our week in Japan seemed to fly by and before we knew it it was time to pack up again.  Only this time we were headed to the US, almost home.  We started our monster travel day by leaving our hotel at 5:15 in the morning and then traveled by van, bus, plane, plane, and van for the next 26 hours until we were at Grandma's house in California.  On paper it looked like a 15 minute flight, but in reality it was the day the just didn't end.  I had such mixed emotions as we were heading back to the US.  In one way I was so excited I wanted to jump up and down but in  another way I was so sad I wanted to sit down and cry. When the plane did touch down in LA several people on the plane cheered, but honestly I was looking out the window and felt more like crying instead.  I guess I am just a little messed up right now!

Our last day in Japan, posing like the Japanese with the peace sign

Dinner with the Priddises.  They made our stay in Japan so much fun

Loading up the van at 5:15 AM

At the bus station

Waiting to check in at the airport

We are back in LA.  Do we look like we have been traveling for a long time?  

The first few days back in the United States I felt like I was living in a fog thanks to the jet lag and my mixed up emotions.  It was so nice being at Grandma's house where we had someone who just took care of us those first few days when we weren't sure if it was day or night.  We even got a surprise gift from an anonymous person welcoming us back from our travels.  We continue to be amazed at the kindness that people have shown to us as we travel.  So if you are the person who left the gift on the doorstep, Thank You!!!

After a few days after arriving in California we drove Sam to the airport for his final flight to Utah.  He needed to return a little earlier than the rest of us to take the end of year testing for the online high school he has attended.  It was a bit sad to drop him off and then just have the five of us.  After spending so much time together the past year it just doesn't seem right to have one of us missing!  We gave Sam the option of flying back to California after his testing was over, but he preferred to stay in Utah until the rest of us arrive.

We sure enjoyed our time in California visiting Rich's family but before we knew it it was once more time to pack up and move towards home.  This time we were not heading for an airport or train station, but were packing up our own van.  We had left our van (and a whole lot of other junk) with Rich's parents for the year.  As we were packing up I was surprised how much stuff we really had.  I am sure we now have double the amount of stuff we had with us for the year.  At that point we were a little bit glad that Sam had decided to stay in Utah with all his stuff because I am not sure where he would have sat in the van!
With Grandma and Grandpa at church

Seth, Joe, and Jenna with the gift left on Grandma's door

With Grandpa Corbridge

Seth and Joe at the beach

Seth, Joe, and Jenna

Digging a hole and playing with cousins is just as much fun as playing in the water

Future surfer girl

Joe's 12th birthday

None of us were to excited to pack up and leave California.  I think it is a combination of a few different things.  We love being at Grandma's house, we are realizing this trip is almost over and we are not quite sure we want it to be over, and we are a little uncertain what we will face when we do return to Utah.  But just like so many other times in the past year, we have just moved on.  So ready or not, just a few more days and we will be back home in Utah.

Ready to leave Grandma's house in California

1 comment:

  1. Just so you know, your house is still standing and looks good, the lawn is green and mowed, we have new, nice neighbors and I'm sure everyone will welcome you home. Travel safe.
