Thursday, May 16, 2013


Here in Japan We have been staying at the US Navy base. Everyday somebody picks us up in the morning and drives us to something they want us to do or see.
One of the days they took us to an aquarium. There were lots of crabs, starfish, and other sea creatures that you can touch. Lots of them felt weird and squishy. There was also a dolphin show that was super cool. The dolphins jumped super high and did back-flips and things like that.

After the show was over the trainers threw balls into the tank, and the dolphins grabbed the balls and threw the ball against the wall and caught it when it came back. I walked over to the wall that they were playing with and put up my hands, like I wanted the dolphin to pass it to me. The dolphin threw the ball to me and The dolphin and I kept throwing the ball back and forth until the dolphin dropped it or got bored. I did this for about a half an hour and then we went and saw some massive fish. The fish were 6-12 feet long!

My favorite part about going to the aquarium was watching the dolphin show and playing catch with the dolphins. The dolphin that I played with threw the ball really hard so it was hard to catch. One of the three dolphins looked old, and instead of throwing the ball against the wall and catching it, the dolphin had a floaty thing. He would just swim around and around. Dolphins are now one of my favorite animals.

A dolphin doing a back flip

Us playing with dolphins


  1. I have never played catch with a dolphin. Maybe I can play catch with someone who has played catch with a dolphin. See you soon, Grandma Hull

  2. Tell that to Eliza. You could make a Dolphin club.

  3. "Dolphins are now one of my favorite animals". Tell that to Eliza. She would finally have someone to share her love of Dolphins. You could make a club.
