Thursday, September 6, 2012

We spend a day with the Corbridge's

     The title is misleading, but true. Our second cousins came to Washington DC for a day and so we met up with them at the Lincoln Memorial. There was almost no one there because school had started. Then we decided to walk over to the archives. While we were walking we saw the Vietnam war memorial. That is the big black wall with names on it. We kept walking and found ourselves at the World War II memorial. There was a lot of military people there. It had a big fountain and with all the states and countries that fought in the war. We kept walking and got to the Washington Monument. We took some pictures and kept walking. Finally, we got to the National Archives. We went in and went through security, and saw The Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights, and the Constitution. It was really cool (even if it was the second time). The Declaration of Independence was so faded you could barely read it. The Constitution was easy to read and cool. There was a typo in Pennsylvania, they spelled it Pensylvania. The Bill of Rights was faded and hard to read, but it was still cool that the piece of paper was over 200 years old. After that we went to the Air and Space Smithsonian. We got something to eat at the food court and then went to see the exhibits. We went to one of them, but it was to busy to have a lot of fun. I thought it would be less busy like the Lincoln Memorial, but it was very busy. After that they had to go so we said good-bye and they left.

Us at the WWII Memorial with Utah 

WWII Memorial

Us at the Air and Space museum


  1. loved being there, hope your having fun whith the rest of your trip. ")

    your cousin, Justin

  2. hey love the story seth thanks for remembering us!.!. I had a great time whith you guys (told you id comment ")..)
    Have fun!!!

  3. oh and that was justin on the last one sory")
