Monday, September 17, 2012

Czech it out!

 I really enjoyed our time in Prague, Czech Republic.  It's certainly on my list of places I would like to return to someday.  Here is a little sampling of  what we experienced while there.
An old cemetery that was overgrown with ivy and bushes
Eating at an outdoor cafe.  They are NOT concerned about getting you in and out quickly

So many of the buildings are absolutely beautiful .  We didn't go in so I can't say if they are as beautiful on the inside. 

The sidewalks were all made of the same stone, but  each street had a  different pattern.  

Street performers playing beautiful classical music.  Notice the different pattern of sidewalk

We spent a day at Charles Castle, which was actually a whole complex of buildings inside the castle walls.  While there we took a turn shooting a cross bow.  Any guesses who got the best shot in our family?  Let's just say that my dad would be so proud of me!
Shooting a crossbow
Seth, Jenna and Joe with a Knight

We visisted Wenceslas Square (which is really a street and not a square) and saw the statue of Good King Wenceslas.  I thought about singing the Christmas carol about him, but I couldn't remember the words.  He was a 10th century king and is given credit for Christianizing his nation.
In front of the statue of Good King Wenceslas

We watched the Astronomical Clock put on it's little show at the top of the hour, then climbed up to see the views from the top.  I like looking out at cities from high places.
Astronomical Clock

The Astronomical Clock and tower
Joe and I at the top of the Astronomical Clock
View from top of Astronomical Clock Tower
Another view from top of Clock tower (notice the TV tower in the far distant right)
Another View from the tower
We walked across the Charles Bridge along with hundreds of other tourists.  It was built in the 1300's and for nearly 400 years it was the only bridge in Prague to cross the Vitava River.  There are statues lined up along the bridge and a big tower at one end.

Charles Bridge
Seth and Joe on Charles Bridge.  Prague Castle is in the background. 
Seth with Charles Bridge to the left and Prague Castle in the background.  
Tower at one end of Charles Bridge.  

And one slightly strange part of Prague is the baby tower.  It's a tall televesion tower that has statues of babies climbling up and down.  I'm not quite sure how that fits into the beautiful archicheture of Prague, but it's there.

Baby tower
Close up on the babies on the tower


  1. Thank you for a great tour of Prague! Love it!!

  2. Did you see the dancing buildings down the river? There are two very modern looking building quite literally dancing together, one boy and one girl. I thought they were so cool. I love all the pictures of Prague. Such a neat place.

  3. Prague is one of my favorite cities too. Love the pics. Love the faces and smiles in them :-)
