Sunday, September 16, 2012

Temple and Church in Germany

The main reason we came to Germany was to go to the temple in Freiburg. We went to it a few days ago, and it was pretty neat. Besides the usual super awesome spiritual feeling that you get in the temple, we got baptized in Hungarian. It was pretty neat, but we had no idea what they were saying. The Freiburg temple is assigned to 7 languages, that is pretty amazing. They are: German, Czech, Romanian, Russian, English, Polish, and Hungarian.
The Freiburg Temple, even though you can't see Moroni on top.
 We wandered back to the train after that and took a little detour through this market type square thing. We got bratwursts, a typical German food I guess. It was basically a huge hot dog on a tiny dinner roll. It tasted like that too.

Today we went to church in Germany. Our family has made a kind of commitment to go to church for the full 3 hours every Sunday, whether we understand the language or not. We left an hour early, figuring that would be plenty of time to get to the church on time. Of course, we didn't count on the trams arriving at odd times, or not understanding a single word of German. Due to those two things, we did pretty well arriving at church only 3 minutes late. This has been kind of a repeating thing, we are late to church a lot, it seems.

The church building we went to today, you can see the sign between the pillars a little bit.
After church they had this dinner thing, that they apparently have every week, so of course, we stayed. They served sauerkraut, and if you don't know what that is, I'll describe it. So you know when you carve jack-o-lanterns, and you have to scoop out all the goop? Ya, imagine that goop, but with veggies instead of seeds, and you have sauerkraut. Needless to say, it wasn't my favorite.

Anyway, Germany has been pretty cool so far, even though I spend most of my time doing school it seems like. Our apartment was great, and we even got to play some soccer with the family downstairs.


  1. Oh, I'm so jealous! You guys look like you are having such a great time. I even like sauerkraut. Eat some for me! Julia Woolf

  2. I love sauerkraut!!! The Germans and Danes in Cache Valley used to have a turkey and sauerkraut dinner every year, They would make their own, can it and sell it for the church budget. I loved it!! Guess it is my Danish coming out! have a safe trip!
    Meriam Nielsen
