Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Amish Don't Use Technology

We went to an Amish town. The Amish don't use any technology. There reasoning is that their forefathers didn't have it so they don't need it. The five oldest bishops decide what is too modern. When bikes came out they said it was too modern and outlawed bikes, but when scooters came out they didn't say anything against them so everyone has scooters. They can pay other people to use technology. Many of them that have a large business pay someone to use a computer and track the money they make. They can have telephones outside their house, at the end of the driveway, but not any closer! Everyone in the town gets around with buggies. We went on one that went through the farming places. The tour guide was Amish until he was 17. He lived on a farm and every year when his dad needed to contact people to get all the crops they moved there phone closer to the house. They did that for five years until one of the bishops said no phones for you. Then they stopped being Amish and changed to Mennonite. They also have the best soft pretzels in the world. They dip them in butter, they were really good.
This is Jenna and a horse

This Is Seth :) and Joe :( waiting for the carriage

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