Thursday, August 2, 2012

An extended Vacation?

So far our trip has felt like one long vacation. We started out with a road trip to California where we stayed with relatives. We spent our time at the beach , swimming in the pool most every day, and just having fun with grandparents and cousins.

The next phase of our trip consisted of flying to Baltimore, renting a car and doing a week long road trip.

We walked around the battlefields at Gettysburg

bought chocolate in Hershey

and went on a buggy ride in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
 After a few days in Pennsylvania, we headed to Virginia.
We imagined what life would have been like for the first settlers of Jamestown, 

participated in a cannon firing at Yorktown,

learned about early colonial life,

enjoyed the air conditioned science museum in Richmond,
 and wished we hadn't gone to Kitty Hawk.

Finally it was time to return our rental car and now we rely on public transportation as we stay in Washington DC for the next few weeks. We checked into our apartment, walked to the grocery store, bought metro passes and are ready to continue the US history portion of our home school.  Maybe now the reality of what we are doing will set in and it will feel less like an extended vacation!


  1. I am so excited to continue hearing about your travel year! Your home schooling! Your adventures! It all looks so exciting. Please keep taking pictures and posting. I want to live vicariously through you for the next year. :-)

    For those of us that do not know all of your kids very well, do you think maybe you could have them write up a little blurb about themselves? Their name, age, interests? I love reading their posts coming from their perspective of your families travels. I just thought it might be nice to put a little bit more of a face with the name.

    Happy and safe travels!!!!!

  2. The first week of August was a quiet, steamy time from what I remember. Enjoy the museums during the heat of the day. I really liked the WWII Memorial and Jefferson's Memorial.

  3. So far it looks amazing and fun!
