Sunday, August 26, 2012


I'll bet some of you are thinking, "He spelled the title wrong."  And some of you are wondering what I mean by the last statement.  I didn't spell it wrong.  It is the affectionate name the locals have for the home town Washington Nationals baseball team.

While living in Washington DC for a month we tried to keep the boys involved in youth activities at the Church.  Even though we did not officially belong to the congregation they welcomed us warmly and let us be as involved as we wanted.  One week we played basketball.  One week a member of the congregation generously provided tickets for all of the youth to attend a Washington Nationals baseball game!  From the picture you can see that the tickets were awesome.  I doubt he'll ever read this and I already thanked him in person but thanks again Brother Eskelsen!

Joe, Sam, and Seth at the Nats' game.

One thing I noticed was that the "W" in the Washington Nationals' logo looks like the "W" in the Walgreen's logo.  Every time I saw the Washington Nationals logo (which was very often that night at the ballpark) I thought "Walgreens".  What do you think?


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