Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I am a priest now, and part of that is going around with the missionaries. Back in Utah we had 2 missionaries for 5 stakes, so I never went with them, I'm not sure I even saw them. But here in DC there is 8 missionaries for 1 ward, so I got a chance to go around with them yesterday.

I had really no idea what a day on a mission was like. I thought it was like in Best Two Years, where they are giving out Book of Mormons all the time. That was not the case. I went with the missionaries, Elder Fisher and Elder Chatman to their first appointment, but nobody answered. We went to 2 or 3 other appointments, but no results. They said that is pretty normal. Meanwhile, they are talking to everyone on the streets, trying to get people to be interested in the Church. We also got cussed out by a Mexican. The whole thing seemed rather discouraging, I am not sure if we/they made any progress the whole time I was with them. 

So while I am not looking forward to a mission as much anymore, I have a better realization of the life of a missionary.

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