Friday, February 15, 2013

Underground River

Early in the morning our driver and tour guide came to the hotel to pick us up. Two other people got in and then we started the device. It was only two hours, but it felt like five. We were on a windy road through the mountains, it was impossible to do anything, partially because of the road and partially because of the driver. He made sure we got there on time, but it was at a price. He sped the whole way there and I was sure we were going to die. Before we went to the river we went to a cave. I think it was call ulong or something. We hiked up it and whenever you knocked on the stalactites the made a noise like you just hit a xylophone. The cave wasn't very safe, but they don't really care about that here. There were overhanging rocks tons of vines that could trip you, and the ladders felt like they were older than the cave. At one point in the cave they tied a rope to us and then we walked up a steeper part of the cave. When we got to the top there was almost a half kilometer. Jenna, Sam and I were the only ones to do it. It was so much fun and at the end, to stop you they had padding attached to the zip line and a rope came out of the pads. The employees put all of their weight on the ropes and when a person came down they slammed into the pads. That stopped most people , but some people hit the net behind the pads. The we headed for lunch. It was average I thought, but the rest of my family liked it.

Then we had to wait so we could get a boat out to the place where we get a new boat into the river (not very efficient, is it). We had to waiter for about an hour and so we walked along the beach and shopped. When it was our turn we both into the boat, it was an odd boat. It looked normal, except the bamboo sticking out of the side to keep it balanced.  When we got to the underground river we got out and learned that we had to wait foe another hour to go through the cave. We followed the tour guide and he took us to a path and we went down it, when we got to the end we saw a massive lizard more than a meter long. We're couldn't get close because they were dangerous, but we could observe it from a little way off. The tour guide told is that he has seen a lot in the area so that's how he knew to go there. After that we waited at the entrance of the underground river for our boat. We basically just sat there until it was our turn to go. As we boarded the boat Joe got the spotlight. The inside of the cave was similar to vang viengs cave, but it was bigger.  When we were in a little bit I heard chirping, I thought it was odd that a bird was in the cave Then I saw what it was coming from, overhead, a black bird-looking thing flew over head, but he changed where he was flying every half second.  When I realized it was a bat I thought it was cool and looked for more. Later on I looked up and the ceiling had a ton of black dots. I wondered what it was and as the ceiling got lower I realized that each one of the dots was a bat hanging upside-down After that I started wondering what would happen if they all woke upon at once. Besides the bats there were rock formations and it seemed like they had something that each one looked like. When we for out of the cave we got on our first boat and went back, the ride back was the same as the one there only this time there was less a traffic so that meant the driver could go faster. Not one car passed us, but we passed at least a half dozen. We got back in an hour and a half.
I liked going to the river, but the 2 hour ride would make me less enthusiastic about going again

A monitor lizard

bats on the top of the cave

Joe in a natural vine swing

I'm not sure if the video worked, and it might be sideways

1 comment:

  1. When we went to the underground river we never got to experience any cave or things like that--we also never saw any giant lizards--maybe because we wouldn't pay the extra fees that your dad spoke of.
    Grandpa Hull
