Monday, February 4, 2013

Know Where You are Going

Since we've been in Asia I have learned a valuable life lesson: "Know where you are going."

In learning this lesson my instructors have been tuk tuk drivers who insist that they understand where I want to go and know how to get there. More often than not, even after showing them the address and the map we still get taken for a ride. We might still be looking for some of our destinations if we didn't know where we wanted to go before we left.

Lesson learned. If you don't know where you want to go in life there will always be someone willing to take you somewhere.

1 comment:

  1. I always felt that way about NYC cab drivers. It helped to say, "Take 7th Ave, please. 6th is a big mess." Then they were less likely to take you on a silly ride around town.
