Friday, November 30, 2012

Learning Service in a Leprosy Colony

We went to 3 leprocy colonies this week. At the 2nd one I learned a little more about service.

I was at the bandage removal station. This is the first stop after blood pressure and pulse where the patients get their dirty (sometime very gross) bandages removed. As an example of how bad the bandages can be, at another colony I had the same assignment. The patient had a bandage on the part of his foot where his toes would normally be. His big toe was missing from the tip to the first knuckle. The 2nd toe was barely a nub. The middle toe was gone. From the sores it looked like the fourth and fifth toes had recently been there but no longer were. Let's just say the bandages weren't pleasant.

So there I was helping remove bandages. A middle-aged man sat down and I removed his bandages. He seemed comfortable and his sores weren't the worst I have seen. He went on through the different stations and finished up his visit.

A little later another man sat down in front of me his right leg only had about 8 inches below the knee. His left leg was normal except for all of his toes were gone. He had a prosthetic limb and otherwise seemed comfortable with his circumstances. I didn't see any bandages to remove until he took off the limb and 7 (yes, seven) layers of socks and padding. The disease had apparently taken the bottom part of his leg. As he moved through the stations he left his socks, padding, leg, and shoes behind.

Just as I realized that he might need his things and was going to take them to him, the first man, another leprosy patient who had his own concerns and cares, carefully gathered up the socks, padding, leg, and shoes and took them to his friend. As soon as I saw it happen I realized I was seeing something Christ-like and it touched me deeply. I later found out that this man who helped his friend was the designated colony leader. What a great example! It reminds me of the Savior's words, "He that is greatest among you shall be your servant."

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it wonderful what we can learn from others? This past two weeks have been a marvelous experience for you and your family. Life changing events. Thanks for sharing your feelings. Mom Hull
