Saturday, October 27, 2012

Beach Fun in Italy [BY JENNA]

Today I went to a beach. It was a small beach, but it was sure really fun!  Joe and my mom  and me built a word that said ITALY. We built it because we are in Italy.  We had all the letters made except for the I.  We started making the I and at the top and it looked like another T.  An old Italian lady came over and said “uno T, uno T”. That means only 1 T.  We finished making the  I  and we only had one T.   Tomorrow we are going to build a sand castle. Sam and Dad played soccer at the beach.  Later that day we went on a walk and saw a sign saying not to play soccer on the beach. The fine for playing soccer on the beach was between 50 and 500  euros!  Good thing they didn't get caught.

I made the Great Wall of China

Our Sandcastle
We are in Italy!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like perfect sand to make "Italy" with only one "T" and sand castles. I think you are having too much fun! Good thing you saw that sign about soccer. That is pretty funny. It is surely easy to do illegal things without knowing it when you are in a foreign country.
    Grandma Hull
