Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Traveling to Italy

After we left Fussen, Germany we traveled to Munich by train. On the train ride I played my kindle. Once in Munich we put our bags in lockers then walked around in the town square. In the corner of the town square was a really good band playing exciting classical music. In the four person band there was a: bass cello, a cello, a violin, and an accordion. They were really good so we tossed some coins in their case. After a while of listening we went to a big market place were we got some fruit from the fruit stand.

Once we ate our fruit we headed back to the train station to catch our night train to Florence Italy. We got some hamburgers from Burger king. After we ate we went in the waiting room were a drunk guy came and talked to us. These are the things he said: “Where are your other wives? In the freezer” another thing he said was: “I love English I don't hear it I sense it” The last thing he said was: “See you later alligator! What's the correct response?” After we left the waiting we started laughing at what he had said.

Once it was time to get on the train we got our bags from the lockers and then had a snack. The train was a sleeping car and we did not have all 6 beds in the compartment so my dad had to sit on a different train. I woke up a lot in the night and looked out the window. After we got to Florence we walked around for a while then found a church to go to. After church we saw the statue of David and had some really good Italian pasta. Once we were done eating we went back to the train station and got on another train to Cinque Terre. On the train ride there I saw The Leaning Tower of Pisa. It was really cool!

After arriving in Cinque Terre we took a bus to a near by town. In the end of those two days of traveling it ended up being about 18 hours of travel.
The band that we saw on the street


  1. Reacting to a drunk? I guess you just be polite, and kind, but also be very careful. I'm sure your parents have counseled you on this--but be aware of where his hands are (looking for your money), so don't let him stand that close to you.
    Loved your description of the area. Grandpa Hull

  2. What a long train ride! Exciting that you passed by and saw the Leaning Tower of Pisa. GGiles

  3. Joe this is Tyler G. My Dad went on his mission to Italy. It took me a while to find this site. Did you see the Colloseum? Joe, since Mrs. Leinwebers class this year is gonna learn about World War 2, when you get into Poland, please visit Auschwitz-II concentration camp, and take lots of pictures. Well, as they say in Italy, "Addio, amico."

    1. And Joe, go to Paris and invite her over there. If you did, it would be romantic. ;)

    2. I have already been to Auschwitz and I have not seen the Colloseum.
