Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Slovakia Trains

The day we left Zakopane was a beautiful fall day.  We walked down to the bus station and  found our bus.  I really like it when travel arrangements work out easily!  We took the two hour bus ride to Poprad, Slovakia.  The ride took us through the several little villages and through the Tatra Mountain with colorful fall leaves.   Such a beautiful ride.  Several times I wished we were in our own car instead of a bus so we could stop and enjoy the views.  There were also many hiking trails that looked like fun to explore.  Maybe someday I'll be back?  Instead, I just enjoyed the beautiful views with blue skies from the bus thinking this was going to be the best travel day ever.

Bus Station in Zakopane, Poland

Once in Poprad we ate lunch and then bought our train tickets for the next leg our journey to Kosice, Slovakia.  The tickets were good for any train that day on the route we wanted.  The next one left just minutes after we bought our tickets so decided to take it.  We were so proud of our smooth travel day as we hopped on board the train.  That's where we had to stop patting ourselves on our backs and resort to laughter.   The train we were on must have been the oldest train in Slovakia!  We did find one empty compartment, but were a bit afraid of sitting of the dirty torn seats.  We began to not like the nice sunny day as the sun was so hot through the window.  There was no air-conditioning and no blinds or curtains for the windows.  We pulled out a sarong and hung it up to help shield the sun.  (As a side note, I think sarongs are the most versatile travel items we have with us).   The train seemed like it stopped every few miles at all the tiny stations in the country.  We finally figured out we were not on an express train, but the slow stop every few miles at every tiny station kind of train.  Even though the countryside was beautiful, the train ride was rather painful.  Rich spent most of the time standing up in the aisle next to an open window.  We were all very happy when that train ride was over.  So much for that best ever travel day!

Joe, Seth and Jenna in Poprad, Slovakia

Sam and Joe on the uncomfortable, dirty, hot train.
Jenna and Rich standing by the open window

Seth and our makeshift curtain
At Kosice, we had a few hours before the next train to Budapest, Hungary.  We had dinner and bought snacks for the last train and tried to gear up for whatever the next train would be like.   The last train was by far the best with air-conditioning, comfortable seats, and window shades (but it was soon dark so we didn't even need them).  Still we were all glad when our train pulled into Budapest (30 minutes late).  We had a taxi arranged to take us to our apartment. Sometimes it is so worth it to pay more money for a taxi!

Seth, Joe and Jenna leaving Kosice

Sam and Seth on a much more comfortable train


  1. Your train ride experience sounds so much like ours when we were in Egypt many years ago. I remember they kept telling us that it was a "new train." We learned later that "new" in Egypt meant A.D. I wonder if your train was purchased from the Egyptians.
    The weather (and scenery) do sound inviting. I love the fall time of the year. (we are missing that this fall) Grandpa Hull

  2. It is SO worth paying for 1st Class trains in Europe.
