Tuesday, April 23, 2013

New Zealand Scenery

While on our RV trip through New Zealand we saw some amazing scenery.  We spent a lot of time hiking in the national parks and saw so many beautiful lakes, rivers, mountains, glaciers, waterfalls, and green forests.  If you enjoy being in the beautiful outdoors, New Zealand has a lot to offer.  I will include a few of the photos we took in New Zealand so you can get an idea of the places we visited.  

Sunset on one of the many lakes.  We camped next to this lake our first night on the South Island

One of the beautiful sunsets on the ocean
Me at Nelson Lakes National Park

Pancake Rocks

Sam at Pancake Rocks

Rich on the hike to Fox Glacier

Lake near Fox Glacier. It had a strange green color.

Lake by Franz Josef Glacier.  You can almost see the glacier in this picture.

Lake Matheson.  Yes it is this beautiful!

Joe next to a river.  In the background is a wall of white rock.

A swinging bridge on one of our hikes
Hiking.  The forests were so thick and full of greenery.  Sometimes it felt like walking through a fantasy land.  

Jenna. Looking off the railing there is a colony of sea lions. 

Castle Hill.  This place kind of reminded us of Goblin Valley in Southern Utah.  There are many rock formations to climb on and around.  
The tracks (NZ word for trails) are very well maintained.  

Lake Pearson.  We camped right next to this lake one night.

We saw many waterfalls


  1. My goodness--some really pretty places--or is it just really good photographers? This looks like my kind of country!
    Grandpa Hull

  2. I looked through those photos again, and it finally occurred to me that the weather is fall--as in "not summer" I don't know why that hadn't occurred to me before now--hence everyone wearing a jacket, and the beautiful fall colors. How cool is that--you get to experience two falls in one years time--and no harsh, cold winter. We really do enjoy following your trip on your blog.
    Love, Grandpa Hull

  3. I have to agree about New Zealand being "my kind of place too". Even though we've been living on a Tropical Island for 15 months, I'm homesick looking at the mountains, waterfalls, autumn colors. We have several Missionaries serving here from N.Z. Love their accents! Have a wonderful rest of your journey! It's been so fun to read about the many places you've been to!

    Sister Woods in Majuro, Marshall Islands
