Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Australia Summary

We spent 10 days in Australia: 5 outside of Sydney and 5 in Sydney.

Outside of Sydney: Katoomba

When we landed in Sydney it was late at night so we stayed one night in a hostel. The six of us traveling together as a family were very much out of place. We had two rooms and it was comfortable. In the morning I went into the men's restroom to get cleaned up and there standing in front of the mirror was a person with hair down to their waist wearing only underwear and flip flops. It scared me and I quickly checked the sign on the door to confirm that I was in the right place. Otherwise it was uneventful.

The next day we took a train to Katoomba in the Blue Mountains outside of Sydney. It took about two hours, cost about $20, and was very pleasant. I sat next to an old-timer who had worked on the rail way and was visiting his daughter. He told me with some pride about how he had been working a number of years ago on the day the Queen of England went by on the train. Once we got to Katoomba it was pretty far to the house we had rented and so took two cabs.

The house in Katoomba was beautiful. We didn't know we were getting a house and were pleasantly surprised. It overlooked a valley where we saw Wallabies, foxes, and a variety of colorful birds.

Getting to church from the house took two cabs and $38. The congregation was very friendly. We invited a friendly young couple to come have dinner with us on Monday and they invited us to youth activities on Wednesday. They arranged rides home from church for us on Sunday and to the activity on Wednesday. On the way to the activity is where we saw wild kangaroos.

We hiked around Katoomba several of the days and generally had a good time. We really enjoyed the mountains and scenery in Katoomba. I was expecting Australia to be more desert-y.

Inside of Sydney: Lewisham

After the lovely stay in Katoomba we made our way by taxi, train, and foot to our next apartment just outside of Sydney in Lewisham. It was a 1st floor apartment in an old large house. It was pretty far from everything: groceries, etc but we got by ok.

From Lewisham we were able to walk to the train station and easily catch a train to Sydney. We saw the Sydney Opera House, took a cheap ferry ride across the harbor and back, walked on an old bridge, and just generally enjoyed walking around the city.

One thing that I really enjoyed was seeing all of the runners down by the waterfront. I longed to run with them. It was a really pretty place to run and there were paths and parks near the Opera House.

The People

We found Australians to be very, very kind and helpful. Every time we pulled out our maps and before we could figure things out someone would ask us, "Where are you trying to go?" and guide us in the right direction. Only one time did someone grumble at us on a train. I think she would have grumbled at anyone in any circumstance. She was just a grumbly sort of person. Another time we got on the train and were informed by an older lady that we had chosen the "Quiet Carriage". She must have heard us coming. We thanked her and moved on.

I don't know what I expected but was very pleasantly surprised by how kind Australians are. I also didn't expect forests and trees and really enjoyed them.

1 comment:

  1. I guess I too always thought of Australia as deserty. I guess lots of people think of Utah as desert, which it is, except in the mountains. I am really glad you put Australia and New Zealand in your travel plans--it sounds like a good place to visit someday. I appreciate being back in touch with your family--it seems like we haven't heard from you forever--like 2 weeks.
    Love to all your family,
    Grandpa Hull
