Thursday, March 7, 2013

Scuba Diving

A few days ago, I went scuba diving. We noticed a little shack when we first came to the island that said “izmi diving”. I didn't know what izmi was, but the diving part sounded promising. So we went the next day to the shack and talked to the owner of it about diving. He told us about the intro course and it sounded like fun. Later we talked it over and decided that Sam, my dad and I would go. We went out to the little shack at 11 in the morning and we learned what all of the tubes that connect to the breathing tank do. One changed your buoyancy, one was how you breathed, one showed how much air you had, and the last one was an emergency breather thing. Then we went out to chest deep water and did some drills that taught us how to breathe and obtain neutral buoyancy.  I kept drifting around because I was so light.  After about 15 minutes of that we went deeper. The deepest we ever got was 12 meters. We saw all sorts of fish and coral. The teacher of the class showed us a puffer fish and tried to make it puff up, but it wouldn't. The teacher tried to catch some fish, but they were way too fast for him, he also pointed out odd fish and other things. As we went down lower and lower we had to pop our ears so they didn't explode or something. We spent about a half hour under and then we came out. The scuba equipment was about as heavy as my backpack and so it was hard to climb out on the ladder. It was really fun, but I wouldn't be too interested in getting certified.

1 comment:

  1. Another adventure you are having that I have never experienced. Some people realy enjoy scuba diving. Some don't find it that exciting. But I am fascinated that your parents have given you the opportunity to try different adventures. Be sure to thank them for that! (and we love reading about your experiences--we love the photos too!) And we love you! Grandpa Hull
