Thursday, March 14, 2013

Almost Perfect Vacation

We have spent the last 10 days on Tioman Island which is off the coast of Malaysia.  We have had a great time swimming in the South China Sea, jumping off the dock, snorkeling, hiking through the jungle to other beaches, collecting shells, tying scuba diving, reading on the deck while listening to the waves crash on the rocks, watching the monitor lizards, building sand castles, and enjoying beautiful sunsets.
If it weren't  for the trips to the medical clinic it would have been a perfect vacation!  But that's a story for another post.
One of the many beautiful sunsets
Playing in the water

Seth posing while jumping off the dock
Jenna figured out how to snorkel and loved it


Jenna and Joe on the dock

One of the beach had rocks that were fun to climb on and over

On the jungle trail to Monkey Bay

Playing in the water at Monkey Bay

Playing at Monkey Bay.  We had the beach almost to ourselves.  We found out why it is called Monkey Bay when a monkey opened our backpack and got some of our lunch.  

Reading on the balcony 

One of Joe's many sandcastles

Beach swing at ABC Beach

Jenna climbing back onto the dock

Joe learned how to use his shirt as a life preserver

Rich in the clear water

The monitor lizard on the beach

Rich, Joe and Seth looking for shells

Another monitor lizard on the jungle trail

Elaine on the jungle trail

Seth, Rich and Sam tried scuba diving

Jenna and Joe loved collecting shells

1 comment:

  1. Almost, you make me want to go there. Glad it turned out to be such a pretty and fun place.
    Mom Hull
