Thursday, November 22, 2012

Rising Star Children

We have spent a lot of time with the children here at Rising Star.  We have helped out in the school a few days and also had the chance to just play with the children.  One of my favorite parts of the day is playtime.  We get to play tag, soccer, basketball, games, or just on the playground.  I just love to see the bright smiling faces of the children.  A few days ago I spent an hour pushing children on swings.  They loved "underdogs" and I loved to do the underdog and then turn around and see their bright smiling faces.  Another day I played soccer with a group of boys.  When I joined the game I asked what the teams were and the answer was "people going this way and people going that way."  The game didn't seem to have boundaries or even regular soccer rules, but it did have a lot of fun.  Another day I played tag with several children.  Somehow I was always "it" no matter how many others I tagged.  But through it all, I just love to see smiles of the children.  

Beautiful Children

Sam and Rich playing soccer with the boys. 

Jenna getting henna on her arm

Jenna and some of the girls in their school uniforms

Some of the school girls and me

Jenna with two new friends

Jenna on the playground with some kids

They love to have their picture taken

Playing basketball

Joe and some of the boys


  1. Memories, memories,memories. Later, when you take time to think about it you will say "did I really do that?" YES! You Did -- and that made all the difference. We love what you are doing.
    Grandpa (and dad) Hull

  2. I enjoyed reading about your experience with the children. As I looked at the pictures of Jenna with the childen I was impressed with what a lasting impression this will have on her. She will never be the same again. This seems to have been a very good choice of what to do in India. While you are blessing others, your lives are being blessed.
    Mom Hull
