Friday, November 30, 2012

Driving in India

Driving in India is crazy, to say the least. If any of our cousins have read anything from grandma and grandpa Hull, you know a little about what it is like in the Philippines. It's similar here. There are cows on the road, they just roam free, and you have to avoid them. [EDIT: I learned today that if there is a cow in the road, and you have to slow down, or turn to avoid it, that means that the cow prevented a wreck. Holy cow.]The roads are riddled with potholes, making the ride bumpy. There are speed bumps at nearly every intersection, and the drivers here don't slow down too much.

We've seen some weird stuff on the road too. People have trucks, like moving vans, and the cram as many people as they can in the back. We counted 18 once. There are also lots and lots of scooters. They fit supposedly 5 people onto one scooter, but the most we've seen is 4.

It's pretty crazy, driving in India.

1 comment:

  1. We don't have to worry about the cows in the Philippines. Sometimes there are dogs and always lots of pedestrians. We are also amazed at how many people or things can be on one bike. Grandma Hull
