Wednesday, July 22, 2015

I got thrown off a bridge [JENNA]

In Ecuador we have been doing some pretty cool things. I got thrown off a bridge but I'll get more on that later.

On Monday we went zip lining. Our dad didn't go because heights aren't his favorite. There was a total of 6 zip lines. They were pretty long. We got to go normal style, superman style, and upside down. My favorite style was normal. Upside down kind of hurt and superman had a strap around your feet that kept them up and it hurt your shins.  It was really pretty and we saw a lot of waterfalls to the sides of us when we were zip-lining. it was so much fun and i didn't want it to end.

getting all the safety gear on.
ready to go!:)



upside down

getting ready to go

super man

Now the moment you've all been waiting for...getting thrown off a bridge! There were two bridges about 50 feet apart. We had to get 2 harnesses on and got hooked onto two ropes that were on the bridge that we weren't one. Then a person said on three to jump he counted and then he picked me up and threw me! Then it was like a giant swing. It was  pretty scary because I was the first one to do it. Joe and Seth said, "I'll watch someone else do it first." There was river under me and I was scared but when it was over I wanted to do it again. Now that's not something you get to do every day. If you go to Ecuador go get throne off a bridge. NO SAFETY WAIVERS OR ANY PAPERS SIGNED!

getting ready

stepping over the rail to get thrown


1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a brave girl you are. YW Camp won't be hard for you at all!
