Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I am our family's...

edit: added 'floating dock', 2013-03-13
edit: added an example of being a human pillow in the furniture section, 2013-01-11
edit: added 'guinea pig', 2012-10-07

For this trip I am our family's...

  • IT staff.  I support all of our technology:  iPods, iPads, Kindles, laptops, phones, Skype, Internet, online school, online school tools, printing tickets, translating recipes on food packets, web sites that don't work just right.
  • Baker.  I make the "dough" that pays for all of this. Joe suggested I change this one to "Dough Boy" but I didn't like the connotation...
  • Pack horse.  Somehow I always get the heaviest backpack for the longest time.  When the kids have their turns they watch the clock.  When their 30-minute turn is up they drop the backpack where ever they are.  But when dad has the backpack no one watches the clock...
  • Furniture.  Whenever we are not in motion I become furniture.  Particularly, Jenna and Joe like to lean or lay on me.  This happens at Church, at the bus and train stops, and on the buses/trains.  Even when there is other furniture around somehow dad is better. On our bus ride today Jenna sat on me and Joe leaned on me and I held the food, water bottles, and rice paddy hats from slipping under the seat in front us every time the bus driver jumped on the brakes. I need a nap!
  • Heater.  If it is at all cold anywhere I can count on Jenna and Joe snuggling up.  Some times this is nice when they form a small wind break.  Some times this is bad when they can't handle being around each other.
  • Garbage disposal.  If anyone doesn't like or can't finish what they are eating, it ends up on my plate.  There is no limit to what it might be.  For instance, in Germany it was authentic home-style sauerkraut and pork chops eaten at a Church activity.  I liked it and could have eaten 3 plates more if my and Jenna's plates hadn't already filled me up.
  • Guinea pig.  When we come across an unknown food item everyone looks to me to try it out first.  "If it won't kill dad then maybe we can try it too."
  • Floating dock. Since we've been on Tioman Island and swam/snorkled multiple times every day I have become the floating dock for tired swimmers. It's not that bad since it is salt water and I float better in salt water.
Don't get me wrong.  I am NOT complaining and we actually have a fun time joking about my roles.  Hmmm, maybe I should start coming up with roles for the others...


  1. You are an amazing man, Richard Tim! Love you!

  2. ...oh, and may I just say...I'm so glad your family has created this blog so we can vicariously share your adventures with you!!

  3. I guess these are things you never could have anticipated in advance. You are a multi-talented dad.

  4. Love it. It's great being a dad! You are a great sport. And, those are things I would be proud to be. ha ha ha.
