Sunday, July 19, 2015

Galapagos, Isabela Island

We arrived on Isabella island after a horrible ferry ride. At first we thought we would walk  to the town, Puerto Villamil, and find our hotel because it felt good to be walking and off the boat. But after going a short distance we decided that was a bad idea and got a taxi.
Thinking about walking to the hotel on dirt roads.

Our hotel was on the other side of town so we were glad we hadn't walked the whole way. We checked into our hotel and the manager told us about different things to do and tour options. The idea of getting on another boat sounded absolutely horrible so we didn't sign up for any boat tours right then. Our hotel, Caleta Iguana, was located right on the beach so we spent lots of time on the beach. The first day we had planned on going to the turtle center, but it started getting very windy and looked like a storm so we opted for a nap, relaxing in hammocks, and a walk along the beach instead.
Relaxing in the hammock

Our  hotel is the pink building
Iguanas on the steps of our hotel
Iguana posing in front of our hotel
Puerto Villamil is a small town with dirt roads. There are a few little shops, restaurants, travel/tour agencies, but not much more. The center of town has a park area that looks like it could be nice or was nice at one point, but now just looks overrun with weeds and fountains that don't work. The real center of town seems to be the soccer field. It is located right in the center of the busiest part of town if anything is really busy there. We ended up there each evening to either watch locals play soccer or if no games were in progress, the kids played.

The town center and the main road

Day two we woke up ready to go. We walked to the turtle breeding center along a path hoping to see some wildlife. We did see a few birds, flamingos, iguanas and ducks. The turtle center has a variety of turtles sized from very tiny to very large, all in protected areas. We learned that hardly any turtles hatch and survive in the wild. After the introduction of animals such as dogs, cats, and rats to the Galapagos the young turtles can't survive. They are cared for in the breeding center until they are old enough to be introduced to the wild.  There were some tour groups there and honestly most of the people looked very bored with the lectures their guides were giving. We were glad to move at our own pace and read the signs which were written in both Spanish and English. After the turtle center we walked a little further up the road to a lagoon to see flamingos.

The path to the Turtle Breeding Center

Tiny Turtles

In front of some giant tortoises
 In between our activities we spent a lot of time on the beach right outside of our hotel.

Soccer on the beach

Balance band on the beach

Playing on the beach

By day three we were ready to get back on a boat for a day tour to the lava tunnels. After about an hour of travel we arrived at the first snorkeling place. We saw giant sea turtles, manta rays, a sea horse, penguins, sharks and lots of fish. I know that Seth wrote about our tour so I won't go into more detail here.
Blue footed Boobies

After returning to our hotel the boys all wanted to hang out on the hammocks while Jenna and I rented bikes. In theory my bike had several gears, but in actuality it stayed in one gear the whole ride. We rode out to the wall of tears which isn't very far but did have several good hills that we got off and pushed our bikes up. We arrived at the wall of tears and took several photos. In the 1940's the area was a prison and the prison guards made the prisoners work by building the wall with no tools. Many deaths occurred and eventually the prison was closed. I walked around the back of the wall and when I returned Jenna was sitting on a rock staring at the trail at a tortoise on the path. I was surprised because they don't move very quickly and I sure hadn't seen it on the way in. I had been so focused on seeing the wall that I hadn't even noticed the tortoise. Jenna had seen it and just assumed I did too. I wonder now much of life I miss because I am so focused on something else? The ride home was much easier going downhill. We even rode right along the beach for awhile.

Wall of Tears

The tortoise on the trail
Biking on the beach
Day four we rented snorkel gear and went back to the dock area to snorkel at Cochay Perla, but I guess we didn't time it right because there wasn't much to see right then except a few sea lions, penguins and fish. I think we are getting a bit spoiled with our snorkeling.
Getting ready to snorkel
A penguin
Sea Lions are everywhere

Sea Lions on the trail to the snorkeling bay

And by day 5 it was time to board the dreaded ferry again. We had to leave the hotel at 5:20. Crazy to board a ferry in the dark. But everyone said the morning ferries are better than the afternoon ones and lucky for us this one was much better. I wouldn't go so far as to say it was pleasant, but it was at least tolerable!

Ferry chaos in the dark

2nd ferry ride

View from back of ferry, we saw a rainbow.

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