Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Choco Museum [BY JENNA]

We went to a chocolate factory and we got to make our very own chocolate.  We started off making yummy drinks.  the first drink we made was a choco tea, don't worry the tea was ok to drink. The second drink we made was another choco drink but better than the first one we made.  Also, we made one more, it was really really yummy.  It tasted like a chocolate smoothie with milk, cinnamon sugar, cloves and chocolate paste. We made chocolate paste.  We had this bowl type thing and a really heavy stick.  We got choco beans and put them in the bowl type thing and mashed it up with the heavy stick.  We had to mash for 5 minutes or so.

Last of all we got trays with holes.  They gave us a bowl of choco and toppings.  We put the toppings on first, such as nuts sugar fruit, candy and much other things.  We had a spoon to put the chocolate onto the tray, after that step we got a long stick about a foot, that was to stir up all the toppings. After all of us were done with the bowls of choco I volunteered to clean the bowls. Not in the sink, in my mouth. After I had eaten the chocolate every inch of my face was covered in chocolate.  It was SO good!!!!!

We had to let the choco sit in their fridge for an hour.  For that hour we went out shopping to get some stuff.  We came back to the choco factory an hour later.  Me and Joe pushed the choco out of the trays into some small bags.  Then we got ourselves some yummy choco.

choco beans

smashing the choco beans

one if the drinks we made

putting the choxcolate onto the trays

after eating the choco from the bowl

after washing up

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