Saturday, July 7, 2012

Away we go!

Wow! After the crazy and hectic pace of the last few weeks we are on our way.  This is a family picture on our last Sunday in Utah.  We left shortly after this picture was taken (and after changing our clothes).  It is hard to believe that we are on our way but it feels good.  We've assembled and packed most of the gear we'll need for the next 11 months.  We've sold, given away, or trashed everything we don't need.  We've packed and/or stored the rest.  With much help from family and friends we've cleaned our house.  According to our kids the house is the cleanest it has been in years.

Especially in the last few days before we left people asked, "Are you excited?"  My honest response was, "I feel no emotion except stress."  Now that we are past that and actually on our way I am starting to feel the excitement.  I feel anticipation.  I feel a little anxiety.  I am pleased with my family that we have worked together to get this far.  I feel large amounts of gratitude for many reasons, not the least of which is the great support we feel from family and friends.  I feel some sense of simplicity due to the fact that we have less stuff at the moment.  I have also become unhappily aware that the clock is ticking on our adventure and that each day that passes brings us closer to the other end.  We'll have to enjoy each day as it happens.

Thank you to everyone for the love and support in helping us get to this point!

1 comment:

  1. Love your posts. I will be following you. Your children speak well and are going to have fun and learn. Great bonding experiences ahead and you might also notice a need for some alone time for all of you on occasion.
